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Families Bringing Families to Christ

Families in Christ Jesus Community - is a Catholic, Charismatic, Evangelistic, Apostolic and Family Focused community. We believe that God created the family. That His model is that of a man and a woman united by God bringing forth life in their offsprings (Gen.1:28). We uphold His command for this union to be permanent and indissoluble mirroring the fidelity of Christ to His Church.

We believe that in the family the core message of Christ, love, is learned and experienced.
We affirm the Holy Father's words "the future of evangelization depends in great part on the church of the home" (Familiaris Consortio 52.2.).

We believe that there is a concerted and deliberate attack on the family and the institution of marriage. Powerful forces have caused confusion breaking apart families leading to alcoholism, promiscuity, drug abuse and other social problems of epidemic proportions.

Aware of all these, we believe that only Christ Jesus and the power of His Cross can turn around this prevailing "Culture of Death" into a Civilization of Love and Life.

Therefore, we commit ourselves and all our resources to witness to individuals and to other families the Gospel. We witness to the indissolubility of the Sacrament of Marriage. We witness to the right and responsibility of parents to mold and educate their children into mature, whole, and God-centered individuals. We witness to the sacred duty of children to obey the Lord's command to honor and respect their parents as to the Lord.
We believe that through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in the power of the Cross, we will bring all families to Christ and to His Church.

Welcome to FCJC North America

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